
Welcome to our ngo.

From our website we welcome you, we hope that the tour through it is to your liking and that you follow us on our social networks, we also encourage you to be a donor or sponsor of our NGDO, with which you would help us a lot in the searches and rescue of missing persons and in emergency devices.

More information

Svb, rcp and desa courses

The svb, rcp and Desa courses are designed for people of all levels, both for beginners and advanced, opponents, sports instructors, teachers, home care personnel, nursing homes etc. With them you will learn to save lives. All courses are official by SEMICYUC -National CPR Plan
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Search for missing persons.

We participate in numerous searches for disappeared people in rural areas, activated through associations of the disappeared, family members, town halls, civil protection units, social networks, etc. Either we participate on the ground or managing and / or coordinating them.
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Humanitarian aid

From our NGDO we allocate humanitarian aid material to different groups, battered women's associations, NGOs, neighborhood associations, religious entities, social affairs departments of the town halls as well as emergencies, such as the image for floods of Campanillas, villages of immigrants when they go out burning, etc. we are distributing between 20 and 25 tons of humanitarian aid annually.
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